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Date and time:2023. 12 26. 9:30~12:00(In case of rain: 2024. 1. 13.) Venue : OIST #2 Energy Center Theme:Nature and envi...
Background: An art event for Onna Village children with their parents will be held at the #2 Energy Center on the OIST campus to pr...
学校からのメッセージ 以下は学校が皆さんに知っていただきたい情報です(特別プログラム、理念、モット...
古堅南小学校 Furugen Minami Elementary School 伊波小学校 Iha Elementary School 嘉手納小学校 Kadena Elementary School 喜名小学...
Title: Europe’s Roadmap to a Quantum Workforce Speaker: Mr. Simon Goorney (Research Assistant from European Quantum Readiness Center, Aarhus Univer...
Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Doojin Lee on December 14 (Thursday). -------------------...
重要な情報: 次年度に向けての入学の申し込み受付は前年の7月頃に開始し、9月頃には終了する傾向にありま...
SQC invites you to a Users Group Meeting. At this meeting, we will share our schedule for the introduction of the new Revio sequencer service, as wel...
Speaker Mr. Fumiya Kakizawa / Saitama University Title Monte Carlo study on low-temperature phase diagrams of the J1-J2 classical XY kagome antifer...