• 重力、量子幾何と場の理論ユニット

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  • Quantum Information Security Unit

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    We study the ultimate physical limits of privacy. We are interested in both fundamental and technological aspects of information security. Can we prot...

  • Optical Neuroimaging Unit

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    How are sensory stimuli from the outside world processed in the brain? How do the sensory neuronal signals interact with the persistent brain activity...

  • pi-Conjugated Polymers Unit

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    Pi-Conjugated semiconducting polymers are actively under development for use in organic light-emitting diodes, thin-film transistors, and solar cells....

  • Molecular Genetics Unit

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    Work in the Molecular Genetics Unit combines comparative genomics, population genetic modeling, and genetic mapping. The unit uses new approaches for ...

  • Networked Quantum Devices Unit

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    The ambition of NetQ, the Networked Quantum Devices unit, is to develop the necessary theoretical tools such as novel error correction mechanisms, cry...

  • ネットワーク型量子デバイスユニット

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  • Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit

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    The Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit explores how ecological and evolutionary processes generate and sustain biodiversity across levels of biologic...

  • 理論生物物理学ユニット

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  • Integrated Open Systems Unit

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    Healthcare and sustainability are critical issues in the global agenda that we are facing today. Both deal with integrated open systems, such as biolo...