• Introduction to Supersymmetric QFT

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    Supersymmetry is a remarkable invariance property of physical theories which extends the usual notion of a symmetry algebra to allow for the inclusion...

  • TSVP Symposium: Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning

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    Title: Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Bridging Biological and Artificial Neural Networks Abstract: Neuromodulators, including dopamine, acetyl...

  • Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Theoretical Lessons Learned From Invertebrate and Vertebrate Brains (TP24NM)

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    We are excited to announce the TSVP Thematic Program "Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Theoretical Lessons Learned From Invertebrate and Vertebra...

  • Ochanomizu University Senior High School visited our lab!

    On April 18, students from Ochanomizu University Senior High School visited our laboratory and learned about our projects. Thank you for coming! Let'...

  • 2025 OIST Conference

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    Sub-Riemannian Analysis and Geometry January 14 - 16, 2025 Sub-Riemannian analysis and geometry have emerged as vibrant areas of study, wit...

  • Graduate School Mini Course Series: Introduction to Supersymmetric QFT

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    Lecture 2: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Basic properties, Witten index. Example: particle moving on a manifold. Thurday April 25, 10:00-11:...

  • Spring Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras

    Spring Workshop on the Representation Theory of Algebras and related areas mini-courses & research talks Mini-courses by : Thomas Brustle (Canada...

  • 地域連携

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    2024年3月23日 シンポジウム&ディスカッション “いいね♡”のこどもへの影響 多くのみなさまにご参加いただ...

  • Outreach

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    3/23/2024 Seminar & Discussion Power of Reward: Impacts on child behavior Thank you for many people who participated in the event!  Below i...

  • FY2023 Annual Report

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    Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit Professor Síle Nic Chormaic   ​ Abstract In FY2023, we continued to grow our in...