• グレッグ・スティーブンズ

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  • Vincent Laudet

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    Short Bio Vincent Laudet has performed the first evolutionary analysis of the nuclear hormone receptor (NR) superfamily focusing on: (i) the st...

  • Tadashi Yamamoto

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  • 山本 雅

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    米国立衛生研究所癌研修所、東京大学を経てOIST着任 ...

  • エヴァン・エコノモ

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    ミシガン大学を経てOIST着任I am a biologist with broad interests in the ecology and evolution of biodiversity.  I was born in Montreal ...

  • Gene Myers

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    At heart, Gene Myers, is an algorithmicist – a computer scientist who invents time and memory efficient methods for solving precisely formulated com...

  • Kenji Doya

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    I want to understand how we learn motor skill, make decisions, imagine the future, and communicate and collaborate with others. And understanding mean...

  • Gail Tripp

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    Completed an honors degree in psychology, professional qualifications in clinical psychology and a PhD in neuroscience at the University of Otago, New...

  • Jun Tani

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      Research Interests Jun Tani has been interested in a wide range of research topics, including developmental psychology, psychiatric disor...

  • 谷 淳

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