• 田中 和正

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  • Tom Froese

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    Froese is a cognitive scientist with a background in computer science and complex systems. He investigates the interactive basis of life and mind with...

  • Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama

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  • マヘッシュ・バンディ

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    米国ロスアラモス国立研究所、 ハーバード大学、ブラウン大学を経てOIST着任 Mahesh grew up in India and received his Bac...

  • アーター・エカート

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    現在オックスフォード大学とOISTに所属 ...

  • Denis Konstantinov

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  • Akihiro Kusumi

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    My love of membranes was accidentally initiated when I, a senior majoring in physics at that time, entered a wrong lecture room where Prof. Shun-ichi ...

  • 楠見 明弘

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  • Emile Touber

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    FY2023 Annual Report ...

  • Ichiro Masai

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