• 安定で低コストの太陽電池素材をめざして

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  • Cracking Solar Cell Stability

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    Silicon dominates solar energy products — it is stable, cheap, and efficient at turning sunlight into electricity. Any new material taking on silico...

  • 脳機能イメージングの新たな手法

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  • New Approach Developed for Brain Imaging Studies

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    Scientific discoveries are exciting, but scientists must also develop new approaches to make such discoveries possible. Researchers at the Okinawa Ins...

  • 脳機能イメージングの新たな手法

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  • New Approach Developed for Brain Imaging Studies

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    Scientific discoveries are exciting, but scientists must also develop new approaches to make such discoveries possible. Researchers at the Okinawa Ins...

  • 冷却すると膨張する磁性結晶

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  • Magnetic Crystal Expands as it Cools

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    Materials usually expand when heated and contract when cooled, reflecting how energy is stored in atomic bonds. As part of an international effort, re...

  • Magnetic Crystal Expands as it Cools

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    Materials usually expand when heated and contract when cooled, reflecting how energy is stored in atomic bonds. As part of an international effort, re...

  • 冷却すると膨張する磁性結晶

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