• Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit

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    Complex phenomena in nature, by virtue of being familiar to us, are easily recognizable. This familiarity however does n...

  • 非線形・非平衡物理学ユニット

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  • 生体分子電子顕微鏡解析ユニット

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  • Genomics and Regulatory Systems Unit

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    To function normally, organisms must ensure that genes are switched on and off at the right times and locations. Gene expression control is a complex ...

  • Marine Genomics Unit

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    Sequencing the genomes of the major marine phyla helps explain relationships between organisms, both in terms of large-scale evolution and within thei...

  • マリンゲノミックスユニット

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  • Fluid Mechanics Unit

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    The Fluid Mechanics Unit studies how substances flow, be it the turbulent churning of typhoons or oil streaming through a pipeline. The unit meticulou...

  • Organic Optoelectronics Unit

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    The Organic Optoelectronics Unit explores the optical and electrical properties of organic molecules and their applications for optoelectronic devices...

  • 量子技術のための光・物質相互作用ユニット

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  • 細胞シグナルユニット

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