• Integrability, Deformations and Chaos

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    In the last few decades, the notion of Integrable systems and Chaos, both classical and quantum, have seen immense developments. Fuelled by a flurry o...

  • OIST Natural History Collection Discussion

    Since the last meeting about the natural history collection, Kenneth has been exploring the software and hosting options available to us in the develo...

  • Environmental Science and Informatics Users Meeting

    In this meeting we will catch up on progress on site permissions, discuss future trips to outlying islands, and seek user feedback on ESI services. ...

  • Seminar "Impacting droplets on solid surfaces and mediation of entrapped air film using dielectrophoretic effect" by Prof. Tuan Tran

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      [Speaker] Prof. Tuan Tran School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore   [Abstract] ...

  • Octopus incella

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } Octopus incella is an octopus that was discovered in Okinawa, and can be seen among the ti...

  • What kind of orange tree is this?

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } The Starry Night Octopus (Callistoctopus luteus) can be seen in a variety of biomes after ...

  • A cooperative model

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } The Broadclub Cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus) is sometimes a shy animal, but sometimes they d...

  • Squid against the surge

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } Bigfin Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) are common across Okinawan waters. Often they ...

  • A slow reveal

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } Abdopus is a genus of octopuses often seen in shallow waters around Okinawa. They have som...

  • Japan Scicom Forum 2023

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    5th Japan SciCom Forum (JSF) Conference will be held on November 21-22, 2023 at the OIST.   After the previous two editions were held onli...