• Marco Edoardo Rosti

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    Marco was born in Italy where he studied Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. He then moved to London (UK) for his doctoral studies and ...

  • マリルカ ヨエ・ウーシサーリ

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    理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター、OIST、ヘブライ大学、エラスムス医療センターを経てOIST着任 ...

  • マティアス・ウォルフ

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  • Nicholas M. Luscombe

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    Following a degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge University (1993-1996), Nick studied for a PhD in structural biology with Janet Thornton at Univer...

  • Yasha Neiman

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    My primary interest is quantum gravity in finite regions of space. As a meandering route to this end, I study higher-spin gravity in de Sitter space. ...

  • Yoshinori Okada

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  • Yukiko Goda

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    My research career had its beginnings in undergraduate summer internships – one in an organic chemistry lab and another in a gene regulation lab at ...

  • Artur Ekert

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    Artur Ekert is one of the pioneers of quantum cryptography. His research extends over most aspects of information processing in quantum-mechanical sys...

  • ベアン・クン

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    マックス・プランク生化学研究所、マックス・プランク医科学研究所、プリンストン大学を経てOIST着任 ...

  • Christine Luscombe

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    Christine Luscombe grew up in Kobe, Japan. After receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2000, she w...