• ライト用意、アクションスタート、電子登場!

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      1897年、J. J. トムソンが電子を発見して以来、科学者たちはこの素粒子の動きを説明しようと様々な手法を...

  • Lights, Action, Electrons!

    Ever since J.J. Thompson’s 1897 discovery of the electron, scientists have attempted to describe the subatomic particle’s motion using a variety o...

  • Lights, Action, Electrons!

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    Ever since J.J. Thompson’s 1897 discovery of the electron, scientists have attempted to describe the subatomic particle’s motion using a variety o...

  • ライト用意、アクションスタート、電子登場!

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      1897年、J. J. トムソンが電子を発見して以来、科学者たちはこの素粒子の動きを説明しようと様々な手法を...

  • 太陽電池の新たな技術


  • 太陽電池の新たな技術

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  • New Advances in Solar Cell Technology

    With the high environmental cost of conventional energy sources and the finite supply of fossil fuels, the importance of renewable energy sources has ...

  • New Advances in Solar Cell Technology

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    With the high environmental cost of conventional energy sources and the finite supply of fossil fuels, the importance of renewable energy sources has ...

  • Coral Study Reveals Secrets of Evolution

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    Corals first appeared on earth nearly half a billion years ago during the Cambrian Period of the Paleozoic Era. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotl...

  • サンゴが教えてくれた、私たちの骨や筋肉を作る細胞の起源

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    概要   沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)マリンゲノミックスユニットの安岡有理研究員らは、サンゴの卵を...