• Shocks, Solitons and Turbulence Unit

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    We study linear and nonlinear wave phenomena with a primary interest in energy redistribution across space-time. We currently focus on studying the Ea...

  • Computational Neuroscience Unit

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    The Computational Neuroscience Unit studies how neurons and microcircuits in the brain operate using computational, data-driven methods. We are intere...

  • 計算脳科学ユニット

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  • Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit

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    The Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit develops methods and strategies for the construction of organic molecules. The strategies that this uni...

  • Algorithms for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics

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    The Algorithms for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Unit develops computer algorithms for core problems in genomics, such as genome assembly and c...

  • 生態・進化ゲノミクス アルゴリズムユニット

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    生態・進化ゲノミクス アルゴリズムユニットでは、現存する地球上のすべての生物種のゲノムを研究するとい...

  • 量子情報物理実験ユニット

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  • Developmental Neurobiology Unit

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    The Developmental Neurobiology Unit uses the zebrafish as a model system to study the mechanisms that control cell development and tissue building. OI...

  • 神経発生ユニット

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  • Quantum Machines Unit

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    The Quantum Machines Unit develops, both theoretically and experimentally, devices that bring disparate types of individual quantum sub-systems togeth...