• Resource Center Food Drive

    Do you have extra food in your kitchen cupboards? A spare can of pineapples or tomato sauce, perhaps? If you do and are willing to part with them, you...

  • OIST-KEIO International Research Summer Camp 2024

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    OIST-KEIO International Research Summer Camp 2024 will be held July 29th-August 7th. Please welcome 20 KEIO undergraduate medical school student...

  • OIST Workshops 2023/2024

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    For information on Upcoming OIST Workshops and Application Deadlines, please go to OIST Workshops Top.  Return to OIST Workshops Archive *OIST ...

  • Resource Center inquiry form

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  • OIST Innovation

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    OIST Innovation OIST Innovationは、OISTおよび沖縄においてイノベーションを育み、経済成長を加速させることを使命と...

  • OIST Innovation

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    OIST Innovation OIST Innovation fosters innovation at OIST and in Okinawa to accelerate economic growth. We are the technology development and comme...

  • Sign up for upcoming board game sessions

    This is the form to sign up for announced board game sessions for people who don't want to use discord Please bear in mind that the main discussion a...

  • Board game session: 24.06 & 3.07

    Hello everyone   We are organising board games on 24.06 and 3.07 at OIST starting at 6pm. Exact location will be specified later in discord. M...

  • Kino Store

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      Kinostore is a small bakery nestled in a corner of Ginoza Village, located in the northern part of Okinawa Island. Surrounded by ...

  • QG group meeting: Sebastian Murk

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    In this seminar, we will explore observational signatures of nonsingular ultracompact objects regularized by nonlinear electrodynamics (...