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  • Informatics and Data

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    Overview Our goal is to provide access to top quality data sets, GIS services, and statistical analysis.  In addition we provide support for sof...

  • Workshop on Life Mind Continuity

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    Workshop on Life Mind Continuity   The aim: We attempt to deepen understanding of mind through discussions of various issues including life mi...

  • Inclusive Leadership Symposium 2023

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    In the face of ongoing change across our world, societies, and organizations, Inclusive Leadership is critical for creating conditions and climates th...

  • Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!

    Uke club has been on a bit of a hiatus but we're back!  The forecast currently looks good for a beach night, and this may be one of the last we g...

  • 23 October 2022: Welcome back to Dr Wenfang Li

    Dr Wenfang Li joins the unit as a Staff Scientist following a postdoc position in CQT, Singapore.  Welcome back! ...

  • Guest lecture by Ad Spiers: "Haptic interfaces for navigation"

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    You can join by Zoom here: Meeting URL: https://oist.zoom.us/j/96589563318?pwd=ZWtjNldsYUpOTndlcUlsZ05OUkFmdz09 Meeting ID: 965 8956 3318&...

  • Visit of Prof. Shimpei Endo, Tohoku University

    OIST Visit: 13 November - 16 November Shimpei Endo, Assistant Professor, Tohoku University, Japan Arrival in Okinawa: 13 November (Tue) 2022 Depart...

  • ECogS 2022 Conference poster

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    The conference poster is now available for download as a pdf. Please feel free to circulate it in your communities and spread the word! ...

  • Managing Stress and Improving Wellbeing

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    Wednesday 2nd November 10-11 AM (日本語)/ 11-12 PM (English) Venue: Lab 4 E01 Find out about the causes and effects of stress and hear about ...