• TSVP Visiting Scholars

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    OIST's Visiting Program was launched in June 2021, with the goal of bringing leading researchers to OIST for extended visits. The first part of the ...

  • クワイカの密かな産卵

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } アオリイカの仲間である雄のクワイカが珊瑚の下のふさわしい穴を...

  • The discreet spawning of Kuwa-Ika (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)

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    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } The male squid scouts out a suitable hole under a coral, then guards his mate as she goes ...

  • Course Timetables

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    Upcoming Academic Year 2025/2026 to be prepared Current Academic Year 2024/2025  Academic Year 2024 Term 3  (draft) Academic Y...

  • Thematic Programs

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    We are excited to launch Thematic Activity as new part of the Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP), with the first programs being held in 20...

  • 16 August 2022: Publication in Photonics Research

    Blue band nonlinear optics and photodarkening in silica microdevices. K Tian, J Yu, F Lei, JM Ward, A Li, P Wang and S Nic Chormaic. Ph...

  • Annual Inspection_Autoclave [TOMY-SEIKO]

    The autoclaves will be unavailable for use during the inspection. The TOMY-SEIKO autoclave inspection will be implemented as follows:   ...

  • APS DBIO Dissertation Award to Antonio Carlos Costa

    A bit delayed with the news but very happy to report that Antonio Carlos Costa has won the APS DBIO award for outstanding doctoral thesis research in ...

  • [Mini-course] BV functions in Carnot groups | Speaker Dr. Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo, University of Jyväskylä

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    Speaker: Dr. Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo, University of Jyväskylä (The speaker is currently a visiting scholar at OIST Theoretical Sciences ...

  • FY2021 Annual Report

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    Biological Physics Theory Unit Professor Greg J Stephens Abstract Research in the Biological Physics Theory Unit is organized to seek deep unders...