• FY2021 Annual Report

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    Neurobiology Research Unit Professor Jeff Wickens Ocean view from OIST campus, 2022, June After rainfaill season Abstract The g...

  • Activities Fair and Art Market: Friday, July 22 | 4-7pm

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    Join the OIST community for a fun evening socializing outdoors, exploring a few food trucks, touring the Art Market and locating what community acti...

  • Short-Stay Accommodation Guide for Guest

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    Important Notice Smoking is prohibited throughout the campus, including residential areas, except in Designated Smoking Area Do not take out tra...

  • The Command Line - an Introduction to Bash

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    Most of your interaction with our HPC resources is through the terminal command line, or shell. You're likely used to applications with nice graphical...

  • 2022年度沖縄科学技術大学院大学インターンシッププログラム

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    プログラム概要 この夏、OIST広報ディビジョンでは、琉球大学の学生(大学院含む)に対し、2週間のインター...

  • SNACK: Kinako-Fu

    きなこ麩 材料: 焼き麩 はちみつ きなこ 塩 一口大サイズの焼き麩に、その他の材料をまんべんなくまぶし...

  • FY2022 Annual Report

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    Cellular and Molecular Synaptic Function Unit Professor Tomoyuki Takahashi Research Theme: Regulatory mechanisms of transmitter release Abstrac...

  • FY2021 Visitors

    2021 Oct 25 - Oct 29 Mathias Mikkelsen (Post-doc, Kindai University, Japan) Oct 01 - Dec 30 John Goold (Assistant Profes...

  • Workshop - Re-conceiving enaction as the irruption of consciousness

    Dr. Tom Froese will hold a small workshop on the need to reboot enactive cognitive science, and introduce an exciting new approach to the science of c...

  • SHIMA 2022 参加同意書・免責事項確認書

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    繰上げ合格者用提出期限:2022年7月28日 (木)  SHIMA 2022 開催中に事故や体調不良が起こった場合、健康状態...