• Mysterious Desert Fairy Circles Share Pattern with Skin Cells

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    Patterns appearing on both the very large and very small scale are extremely rare, but researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Grad...

  • サウンズ・オブ・サイレンス

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  • Going with the Flow

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    Previous research has already demonstrated that substantial quantities of self-motile or active agents such as bacteria in a fluid environment can be ...

  • Going with the Flow

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    Previous research has already demonstrated that substantial quantities of self-motile or active agents such as bacteria in a fluid environment can be ...

  • 流れにのる

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  • 世界を征服したアリたち

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  • The Ants That Conquered the World

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    About one tenth of the world’s ants are close relatives; they all belong to just one genus out of 323, called Pheidole. “If you go into any tropic...

  • 世界を征服したアリたち

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  • The Ants That Conquered the World

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    About one tenth of the world’s ants are close relatives; they all belong to just one genus out of 323, called Pheidole. “If you go into any tropic...

  • 東京大学との共同シンポジウムを開催

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