• Moving in the Quantum World

    Simulating the behavior of a single particle can be quite a challenging task in physics; after all, it is microscopic and we usually cannot watch in r...

  • 量子の世界を移動


  • Moving in the Quantum World

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    Simulating the behavior of a single particle can be quite a challenging task in physics; after all, it is microscopic and we usually cannot watch in r...

  • 量子の世界を移動

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  • Scrolling on Demand

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    Nanoparticles have the potential to revolutionize the medical industry, but they must possess a few critical properties. First, they need to target a ...

  • Scrolling on Demand

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    Nanoparticles have the potential to revolutionize the medical industry, but they must possess a few critical properties. First, they need to target a ...

  • 要求に応じた形状変化ナノ材料

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       ナノ粒子は、医療業界に大変革を起こす可能性を秘めていますが、そのためにはいくつかの 重要な性...

  • スマートゲルは水よりも濃し

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  • スマートゲルは水よりも濃し

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  • Smartgels Are Thicker Than Water

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    Transforming substances from liquids into gels plays an important role across many industries, including cosmetics, medicine, and energy. But the tran...