• To See OIST on a Grain of Salt

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    Imagine the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University logo. Now, imagine shrinking the logo so that it can fit onto a grain of s...

  • 「あきらめない」の鍵はセロトニン

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  • DNA Testing to Help Save Corals

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    “We are seriously tackling conservation of coral reefs in Okinawa,” said Dr. Chuya Shinzato of the OIST Marine Genomics Unit. Coral reefs face var...

  • DNA解析でサンゴ礁保全を目指す

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  • DNA Testing to Help Save Corals

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    “We are seriously tackling conservation of coral reefs in Okinawa,” said Dr. Chuya Shinzato of the OIST Marine Genomics Unit. Coral reefs face var...

  • Let’s Enjoy Science!! Children’s School of Science 2014

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    Nobody could have enjoyed science so much this summer as much these children did. Everyone had a blast! From August 18-22, the Onna-OIST Children’s ...

  • 科学を楽しもう!!こどもかがく教室2014

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     彼らほどこの夏に科学を楽しんだ子供たちがいるだろうか?  恩納村・OISTこどもかがく教室2014が、8月18~22...

  • Let’s Enjoy Science!! Children’s School of Science 2014

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    Nobody could have enjoyed science so much this summer as much these children did. Everyone had a blast! From August 18-22, the Onna-OIST Children’s ...

  • OISTに幼い児童のための新施設

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  • 塩粒に刻まれたOISTロゴ

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