• Dr. Brenner Establishes a Scholarship Fund for OIST Graduate Training

    Dr. Sydney Brenner, the Former President of OIST, has made a donation of 5,000,000 yen to establish a scholarship fund for OIST graduate student train...

  • 真珠貝の遺伝子に迫る

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       OISTマリンゲノミックスユニットの竹内猛研究員が監修した学術誌Zoological Scienceのアコヤガイ特集号が発...

  • The Genes Behind My Pearls

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    Pearls are the only gems produced by living organisms. The academic journal, Zoological Science, published a special issue devoted to pearl oyste...

  • The Genes Behind My Pearls

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    Pearls are the only gems produced by living organisms. The academic journal, Zoological Science, published a special issue devoted to pearl oyste...

  • 真珠貝の遺伝子に迫る

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       OISTマリンゲノミックスユニットの竹内猛研究員が監修した学術誌Zoological Scienceのアコヤガイ特集号が発...

  • OIST Welcomes the 2nd Class of Students

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    A new school year commenced this week at OIST with its second class of doctoral students. At the welcome ceremony on September 2, OIST faculty and sta...

  • OIST Board of Governors Present Future Plans to Prime Minister Abe

    On Friday 4th October, as Typhoon FITOW approached Okinawa from the south, OIST President Jonathan Dorfan, Provost Robert Baughman and six members of ...

  • OIST理事会、安倍総理に将来計画を説明

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     10月4日、台風23号が沖縄に接近するなか、OISTのジョナサン・ドーファン学長、ロバート・バックマン プロボ...

  • OIST Board of Governors Present Future Plans to Prime Minister Abe

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    On Friday 4th October, as Typhoon FITOW approached Okinawa from the south, OIST President Jonathan Dorfan, Provost Robert Baughman and six members of ...

  • Join the Adventure

    Each month at OIST there are exciting developments in science, in education and rapid evolution in international collaboration. As a new communication...

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