• Minister Shinji Tarutoko Visits OIST

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    On October 15th the Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs, Mr. Shinji Tarutoko, paid a visit to the OIST campus in Onna Villa...

  • 樽床伸二沖縄担当相がOISTを訪問

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     10月15日、樽床伸二 内閣府特命担当大臣(沖縄及び北方対策)が恩納村のOISTキャンパスを視察され、大学院大...

  • 知性が集まるガラスの城

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  • Glass Castle of Intellect

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    For all of October, OIST is exhibiting a collection of Okinawan glass artist Seikchiki Inamine’s latest work, “Ocean.” “Mr. Seikichi Inamine e...

  • 知性が集まるガラスの城

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  • Glass Castle of Intellect

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    For all of October, OIST is exhibiting a collection of Okinawan glass artist Seikchiki Inamine’s latest work, “Ocean.” “Mr. Seikichi Inamine e...

  • Airborne over OIST

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    An aerial view of OIST’s campus shows off its spectacular architecture, surrounding landscape, and building layout. Orient yourself to Japan’s onl...

  • 上空からOISTを臨む

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  • Airborne over OIST

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    An aerial view of OIST’s campus shows off its spectacular architecture, surrounding landscape, and building layout. Orient yourself to Japan’s onl...

  • 上空からOISTを臨む

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