• Project Management Training - 2019

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    Day 1 – October 24, 2019  13:30 to 17:00 Project Management Day 2 – October 25, 2019  13:30 to 17:00 Project Management Project Manage...

  • GR course

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    The current year's webpage is here. The first year's webpage, with some useful lecture notes, is here. ...

  • Programme

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    The detailed programme for CQD 2023 will appear here once fixed.   To give you an idea, you can see a typical schedule of previous even...

  • Sam Reiter

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    .detailRank { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; } .detailName { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em; } .detailEmail { color:gray;...

  • Members

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    .row h3{ padding-top:0; } Principal Investigator Dr. Sam Reiter, Assistant Professor Email: samuel.reiter@oist.jp I was born a...

  • Members

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      Saori Chappell, Research Unit Assistant My role is to support the unit members to achieve their objectives from the administrative ...

  • OIST Football Club

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    About OIST FC The OIST Football Club has been around for pretty much as long as OIST itself. With 30 signed-up members and 20 of which regu...

  • Unit News

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    Congratulations Dr Chojnacki Leilee successfully defended her PhD Thesis on “Analogues of light and gravity in the collective exci...

  • Alumni

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    Group Leader / Staff Scientist Ludovic Jaubert - Postdoc OIST (2012), Group Leader OIST (2013-2016) Before discovering Okinawa in 201...

  • Past Members

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    Aritra Banerjee (postdoc, 2021-2023) Vyacheslav (Slava) Lysov (postdoc, 2018-2023) Dorin Weissman (postdoc, 2019-2022) Alessandro Alberto T...