• Sequencing Platforms

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    ・NovaSeq6000 ・Miseq ・Sequel IIe ・MinION ・PromethION NovaSeq6000 NovaSeq6000 system offers high-throughput sequencing across a broad ra...

  • 不正通報ホットライン

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    PRP23.4.1.1に基づき、本学には外部窓口として不正通報ホットラインが設置されています。 本学における不正行...

  • Whistleblower Report Hotline

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    Misconduct Report Hotline Based on the stipulations in PRP, the University has set Misconduct Report Hotline as an external contact point. A...

  • Research Storage

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    Access the storage The storage systems at OIST are available for all OIST researchers. You don't need an account on the cluster, and you don't need t...

  • Connect to the Clusters

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    Here is how to get access to the Deigo and Saion clusters, how to connect to them, and how to transfer files to and from the research storage. Note t...

  • Alumni

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    Postdocs Gabriela Antunes (2008 - 2011) researcher at University of São Paulo, Brasil Peter Bratby (2016 - 2019) teaching fellow at Universi...

  • Relativistic Mechanics and Classical Field Theory

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    We begin with a gentle and thorough introduction to Special Relativity, and take some time to have fun with shapes in Minkowski sp...

  • New Enzymes by Directed Evolution

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    During this course the student will experience a research project. We are planning to run enzyme evolution experiments generating a random librar...

  • Driving License Conversion

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    You Answered Are you registered as a resident of Japan? - YES Do you have a valid non-Japanese driver's license? - YES Can you provide offic...

  • Members

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      Hanley Andrean, Ph.D. Student Christian Butcher,  Research Unit Technician Vishnu Ravindran, Postdoctoral Scholar Kalale Chola, Po...