• Other Analytical Instrument

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Biacore Maker:...

  • Bio Sample Preparation Tool

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Benchwork Automation ...

  • Equipment Gallery

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    Mass Spectrometry Flow Cytometry NMR Spectroscopy Other Analytical Instrument Bio Sampl...

  • FY2017 Annual Report

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    Physics and Biology Unit  Associate Professor Jonathan Miller 1. Staff Dr. Michael Kuba, Staff Scentist  Dr. Tamar Gutnick, Postdoctor...

  • Annual Reports

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    In accordance with institutional requirements, each unit prepares an annual report to summarize the activities of that unit for the given year. Report...

  • Publications

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      2024 Chiang, H.-J., Nishiwaki, Y., Chiang, W.-C., and Masai, I. (2024) Male germ cell-associated kinase is required      for ax...

  • Innovation Seminar: Investors View on Pharma and Biotech by Dr. Hans Küpper

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    7th Innovation Seminar Series Organized by the Technology Development and Innovation Center Hans Küpper, PhD Senior Venture Capital and ...

  • FY2017 Annual Report

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    Micro/Bio/Nanofluidcs Unit Professor Amy Shen Abstract In FY2017, Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit (MBNU) focused on 3 interconnected research topics:...

  • Technology Startup Accelerator Summit

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    For faculty, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs interested in startups and technology commercialization. Program 1. Talk by Beyond Next Ventur...

  • メンバー

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    [Photo on June 7, 2023] 教授 佐藤 矩行:脊索動物の進化・サンゴ環境DNA 研究員 將口 栄一(グルー...