• Technology Startup Accelerator Summit

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    For faculty, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs interested in startups and technology commercialization. Program 1. Talk by Beyond Next Ventur...

  • メンバー

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    [Photo on June 7, 2023] 教授 佐藤 矩行:脊索動物の進化・サンゴ環境DNA 研究員 將口 栄一(グルー...

  • Members

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      [Photo on June 7, 2023] Professor Noriyuki Satoh: Chordate evolution; Coral Enviromental DNA Staff Scientists Eiichi Sh...

  • Housing Information

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    Student Housing Information PhD and SRS RI and VRS ...

  • Publications

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    At OIST Mizumoto N., Hellemans S., Engel M., Bourguignon T. & Bucek A. (2024) Extinct and extant termites reveal the fidelity of behavior fossi...

  • Fieldwork

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    Kayak Manufacturer: Feelfree, Caribe Model: Corona x 1, Clear kayak x 1 ...

  • Laboratory

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    Freezer/Refrigerator Features: There are 1 deep freezer (-80 deg-C), 1 standard freezer (-20 deg-C), and 1 refridgerator (5 deg-C) in the...

  • Positions

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    Internships The groups offers places for intern students, who want to work on a research project for a minimum time of three month. Applications for ...

  • Tutors & Participants / OCNC2018

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    Tutors / About yourself & Message Joe Graham(State University of New York, USA) I work for Bill Lytton in his Neurosim Lab (http://www.ne...

  • Marine Genomics Seminars

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    [2023] [series 39]  Title: Interaction between host Chondrus ocellatus and two endophytes  Speaker: Dr. Han-Gil Choi (Wonkwang Univer...