• Neurobiology of Learning and Memory I

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    The aim of this course is to engage students in thinking about and discussing fundamental issues in research on neural mechanisms of learning and memo...

  • ゲイル・トリップ

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    td:first-child { width:130px; }.detailUnit { } .detailRank { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; } .detailName { font-we...

  • Publications

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    D. Gangardt, A.A. Trani, C. Bonnerot and D. Gerosa, "pAGN: the one-stop solution for AGN disc modelling", Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 530 ...

  • 科学計算及びデータ解析セクション

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    目標 科学計算及びデータ解析セクション (SCDA) は OIST におけるハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング (HPC) を...

  • Scientific Computing & Data Analysis Section

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    Mission The Scientific Computing & Data Analysis Section (SCDA) promotes the use of centralized High Performance Computing (HPC) and data storage...

  • メンバー

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    教授  山本 雅 (分子生物学、分子腫瘍学)   スタッフサイエンティスト  安島 理恵子 (実験動...

  • Keshav M. Dani

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    thead tr th:first-child, tbody tr td:first-child { width: 80%; } Keshav Dani Professor MA PhD (UC Berkeley) BS (Hon...

  • Section Members

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      Name Role Tadashi Sugihara Manager Yoshiteru Fujimatsu Assistant Manager Masahiro Y...

  • International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science (ECogS) 2023

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    Thank you for participating in the workshop. We would like all of you to answer to improve our workshop in the future. ...

  • OIST Developing Neural Circuits Course (DNC) 2023

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    Thank you for participating in the workshop. We would like all of you to answer to improve our workshop in the future. ...