• Movie showing slowed photobleaching using the new method

    At time 0, the numbers of fluorescent molecules are about the same in both movies. The number decreases rapidly in the video on the left which employe...

  • OISTサイエンスフェスタ2017

    OISTサイエンスフェスタ2017で大勢の来場者が科学の楽しさを体験しました。 ...

  • OISTサイエンスフェスタ2017

    OISTサイエンスフェスタ2017で大勢の来場者が科学の楽しさを体験しました。 ...

  • OIST Science Festival 2017

    Many people came to the OIST Science Festival 2017 to enjoy the world of science. ...

  • OIST Science Festival 2017

    Many people came to the OIST Science Festival 2017 to enjoy the world of science. ...

  • マランゴニ効果


  • マランゴニ効果

    | Created on


  • Marangoni effect

    This video, taken at 500 frames per second, shows the Marangoni effect in action. The researchers introduced a surfactant—a liquid with lower surfac...

  • Marangoni effect

    | Created on

    This video, taken at 500 frames per second, shows the Marangoni effect in action. The researchers introduced a surfactant—a liquid with lower surfac...

  • 沖縄のサウンドスケープ
