• Deciphering the mysteries of cell division

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    The human body consists of millions of cells, many of them dividing every day to keep our tissues healthy and functional. The process in which cells d...

  • 有糸分裂ストレス下の細胞


  • Cells under mitotic stress

    The cells in this microscopy image have been stained with a fluorescent dye that binds only to proteins expressed in defective cells. This technique a...

  • 分裂する細胞


  • Dividing Cells

    This microscopy image shows living cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Cells with distinct green spots are currently replicating their DNA, w...

  • 細胞分裂するときの中心体


  • Centrosomes at work

    This video captured the first division of a C. elegans worm embryo. The microtubules (green) pull the chromosomes (magenta) toward both poles, centros...

  • まるでSFのようなヘルスケアの実現に向けて

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