Rewards are often subject to chance, resulting in situations where animals might not receive them despite taking appropriate actions. Consequently, to...
Title: Illuminating links between neural circuit activity and behaviour
Abstract: Understanding the causal relationship between activity patterns in ...
Title: How To Tame Your Membrane? Bring Specific Properties to Your Polymeric Membranes To Reach Various Applications
Abstract: Polymeric membranes a...
From April 25th to 26th 2024, OIST Innovation and Lifetime Ventures co-hosted "OIST-Lifetime Startup Elevate 2024," an event aimed at connecting start...
Title: Social Dynamics of Human-AI Hybrids
Abstract: Artificial intelligence is increasingly prevailing in the collective action of human groups, pot...
Title: Integrating Interactive Devices With the User's Body
Abstract: The main question that drives my research is: what is the next interface paradi...