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Title “Materials of Tomorrow: Harnessing Responsiveness, Intelligence, and Sustainability” Registration Registration is closed... Program Ple...
OIST Innovation opens its doors to OIST community every Friday. Come and meet us at the OIST Innovation lounge, a comfortable co-working space ...
Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Rachel Segalman on March 25 (Monday). -------------------...
A physics lecture for non-physicists. Title: Windows, Bubbles, Quantum-Schmantum. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. We'll talk about how "quantum", ...
Registration -Registration is now closed- Title: OIST-Kyoto University Joint Workshop -Challenges in Biomedical Complexity- Symposium Abstract: O...
<< REGISTRATION >> NO registration fee ** PROGRAM ** ** ABSTRACTS **...
Aim: The aim is for current and former members of Doya unit to exchange recent progress and new ideas. Timeline: Oral presentation registra...
Title: Analytical Methods for Near-Field Optics Speaker: Dr Reuven Gordon , Ph.D., P. Eng., Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer En...
Title: Nanoaperture Optical Tweezers: From single proteins to quantum emitters Speaker: Dr Reuven Gordon , Ph.D., P. Eng., Professor, Departmen...