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Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit Professor Shinobu Hikami Book E. Brezin and S. Hikami, Rand...
Squids and octopi are technically known as cephalopods. Researchers say that they are like "aliens" because of their adorable but peculiar behavior, a...
逆境の中での科学の探求: OISTインターナショナル・リサーチ・サマーキャンプ 昨年の成功に引き続き...
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit Shinobu Hikami Abstract Mathematical and theoretical physics unit studied the subjects related to random ...
QG group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: "R,C,H,O number systems, spinors, triality and spacetime". In lieu of the QUAST seminar today, I'd ...
Speaker: Dr. Taketo Sano (RIKEN) I am happy to announce that we will have Sano-san (Riken) to come over in 2 weeks and deliver a series of introduc...