• Registration

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    Thank you for your interest in attending this ExU-OIST workshop. Registration is now closed. Due to capacity limits, we may not be able to offer all ...

  • FY2023 Annual Report

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    Plant Epigenetics Unit Professor Hidetoshi Saze Epigenetic Regulation of Genes and Transposable Elements in Plant Genomes Our research focuses on...

  • 研究科アドミニストレーション・フォーラム

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      *プログラムの最終版を掲載しました。*   趣旨 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)では、国際的な...

  • Participants

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    Please note that we don't provide a poster printing service.  Poster boards are for A0 size, portrait format. *oral presentation Tianqi Chen...

  • Publications

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    2024 High-resolution structure and biochemical properties of the LH1-RC photocomplex from the model purple sulfur bacterium, Allochromatium vinosum ...

  • NTT R&D Seminar

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    Based on the philosophy of creating world-leading technologies and contributing to the development of society, industry, and academia, NTT R&D h...

  • 【Seminar】Wavelet collocation methods for fractional optimal control problem.

    Speaker: Kumar, Nitin Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Title: Wavelet collocation methods for fractional optimal control problem. Abstract: The...

  • Accommodation Information

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    A limited number of rooms will be provided for non-invited students and postdocs at Seaside House. Please indicate if you would like to apply during r...

  • 図面・地図

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    OISTカンファレンス・センター 寸法入り図面 (PDF) 会場レイアウト図 (PDF) 座席図 (PDF) ...

  • PARKS が「スタートアップ・エコシステム共創プログラム」に採択されました

    九州大学及び九州工業大学を主幹機関とし、OISTも共同機関として参加する「Platform for All Regions of Kyushu & Okinaw...