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Shikakugai Katsudou Permission Sample De-registration 住民異動届(Sample) ...
We are proud to announce that OIST has joined "1st Round", the largest multi-university co-sponsored entrepreneurship support program in Japan, l...
The School is organised by and held at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. OIST sponsors the venue, trave...
OIST Innovation opens its doors to OIST community every Friday. Come and meet us at the OIST Innovation lounge, a comfortable co-working spa...
QG group meeting. Speaker: David O'Connell. Title: "Quantum Fields on non-Hausdorff Backgrounds". In this talk I’ll update you all on my current ...
In this talk I will revisit the calculation of entanglement entropy in free Maxwell theory in 3+1 dimensional Minkowski spacetime. I will characterize...
1. Prof. Lucas Goehring (In-Person) Date: April 30, 2024 Time: 15:00-16:00 Seminar title: Drying colloidal films, from ...
Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Lucas Goehring on April 30 (Tuesday). --------------...
Intermittency in the not-so-smooth elastic turbulence R. K. Singh, P. Perlekar, D. Mitra, M. E. Rosti Nature Communications, 15, 4070, 2024 ht...