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The broad objective of the research in this unit is exploring novel physics in quantum materials, which also lead to future nano-electronics an...
研究概要 流体力学ユニットでは、物質の流れ方を研究しており、その対象は台風の乱流やパイプライ...
Research Overview Mechanics of turbulent flows, geological flows, atmospheric flows, and granular flows. Publications L. Li and P. Chakraborty. 2...
Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit Professor Síle Nic Chormaic FInstP Fellow Optica sile.nicchorma...
量子技術のための光・物質相互作用ユニット シーレ・ニコーマック 教授 sile.nicchormaic at oist....
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The goal of our unit is to determine the fundamental principles governing the assembly, dynamics, and functioning of communities and ecosystems. We a...