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Izumi Fukunaga grew up in Japan and Malaysia, and went to London, UK to study neuroscience. She came to OIST in 2017 to investigate how sensory circui...
マックス・プランク医学研究所、フランシス・クリック研究所を経てOIST着任 ...
英国王立がん研究基金、ドイツがん研究センター、ワイツマン科学研究所を経てOIST着任 ...
PhD, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2006 MS, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Uni...
Google Scholar Researchmap ResearchGate ORCiD GRANTS ...
Selected Publications R. Abe and S. Hikami, Critical exponents and scaling relations in 1/n expansion, Prog. Theor. Phys.49 (1973) 442. https://...