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Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old Welcome to Kugani, Nuuji, and Kafuu Classes! Welcome! We plan to engage your child in fun learning activi...
Pre-Toddlers 1 - 2 Years Old Welcome to Kanasan, Churasan, and Umusan Classes! In these class, your child will make many friends. We plan to...
Infants 2 - 18 Months Welcome to Kukuru and Akasan Class! In this class, your baby is welcomed into our warm, nurturing, and supportive...
年齢別プログラム情報 インファント 月齢 2-18ヵ月対象 プリトドラー 1-2歳児対象 ト...
アクセス 所在地 〒904-0495 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村谷茶1919-1 学校法人沖縄科学技術大学院大学学園内 .mapouter{positi...
開園時間 開園時間: 月曜日~金曜日 8:00-18:00 (日本の祝日、 OIST の休日、職員研修日を除く ) *健康と安...
施設・園舎 CDC施設および周辺環境 正面入口 アクティビティルーム 第二園舎 &...
Garbage rules [↓↓Jump to the content you are looking for↓↓] 1:03 Buy the designated garbage bags 1:56 Designated garbage bag (Yomitan) 2:3...
Shop Online Have you ever wished you could save the time and the energy that you spend for grocery shopping? - Wanting to avoid driving to a shop, wa...
Page contents What is Miso bean paste? Classifications of miso How miso is made Tips for choosing miso you want Recipes ...