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Online OIST NetCafé (オンライン大学院説明会) 8月26日(金) 17:00PM – 18:30PM(JST) このセッションは英語で行われます...
Online OIST NetCafé (Information Session) August 26,2022 (FRI) 5:00PM – 6:30PM(JST) This session will be done in English. The program will start...
Please note that: we will NOT ask for your confirmation of your flight itinerary unless we have to consider special circumstances (e.g. you...
@import url(""); $(document).ready(function () { $('#courses').DataTab...
ワークショップ概要 SKY Labo x OIST: STEAM & Design Thinking Workshop は、ユーザーの視点に寄り添って課題やニーズ...
Workshop Overview At this workshop, participants will learn and practice “Design Thinking”. From interviewing people to pitching an idea, our w...
Thank you for attending the new student orientation sessions. We hope you learned the tips for your successful PhD journey and healthy life in ...
Theses are published in the OIST Institutional Repository and are available online. Graduated in AY2024 (Total as of October 2024: 10) Jose Carlos...
Applicants Offered Students Accepted Students % of women Age 1296 94 44 32 22-30 (Ave 24.9) &...