• Relocation Information (PhD)

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    /*全体*/ .click_box { margin: 2em 0;/*前後の余白*/ padding: 0; } /*...

  • Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics (by KESCO)

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    Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics training course aims to a tour for the most advanced equation based modeling and multiphysics modeling software. This...

  • PCD Group Project

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      Back to PCD Top Page /*import Montserrat font*/ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:300,400,700'); /*import Right...

  • Pre-enrollment Survey for New Students

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      Congratulations on becoming a graduate student at OIST! Faculty, staff and your fellow students look forward to welcoming you to Okinaw...

  • Welcome Ceremony - Student Introduction Photo

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    Welcome to OIST! OIST is organizing the Welcome Ceremony on the morning of Monday, 2nd September 2024 (time TBC). As part of our tradition, we intro...

  • FAQ-PhD

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    Orientation Materials   ・Student Support Orientation for PhD students (Student Affairs Section) ・Academic Orientation for PhD students (Ac...

  • Introduction to Intellectual Property

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    Register form ...

  • Interview Questionnaire for Online Admissions Selection

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    Congratulations on your success in advancing to the next stage of the admissions and selection process. The interviews for the Admissions Selection&n...

  • Test Current student voice

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    */ /*-->*/   Dvyne Issei Nosaka Nationality: Japan Unit: Neurobiology Research Unit Yuna Hattori Nationality: Japan Unit: Fluid Mechani...

  • Test Current student voice

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    */ /*-->*/   野坂ディバイン一聖 国籍: 日本 Unit: 神経生物学研究ユニット 服部 優菜 国籍: 日本 所属ユ...