• 32. Work Schedules and Breaks

    | Created on

    Authority:  Approved by the President Labor Standard Act  Labor Contract Act Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment ...

  • 34.8 Definitions

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  • 34.6 Forms

    | Created on


  • 34.5 Procedures

    | Created on


  • 34. Compensation

    | Created on

    Authority:  Approved by the President Labor Standard Act Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in E...

  • 36.7 Definitions

    | Created on


  • 36.5 Forms

    | Created on


  • 38.7 Definitions

    | Created on


  • 38.5 Forms

    | Created on


  • 38.4 Procedures

    | Created on
