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Electrons in solids are typically not alone, but interact with each other. Just like people in a society, they interact in pairwise fashion and also c...
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Neural Computation Unit Professor Kenji Doya Research Goals The Neural Computation Unit pursues the dual goals of developing robust and flexible le...
Goal 神経計算ユニットでは、トップダウン的な理論モデルとボトムアップ的な生物学実験の融合により、人間の...
Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit Professor Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama yazaki-sugiyama at As we know from our ow...
臨界期の神経メカニズム研究ユニット 杉山(矢崎) 陽子 准教授 yazaki-sugiyama at 研究概...
私たちは、全世界に分布するOikopleura dioicaという種のホヤ(和名:オタマボヤ)を用いて、海洋生態系...
We wish to understand the population and life cycle of zooplanktons in marine ecosystems using the globally distirbuted larvacean Oikople...