• Large Memory Partitions

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    Some computations, such as many bioinformatics workflows, are limited by memory rather than processing power. We provide large memory partitions for t...

  • Advanced Sequencer

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    Illumina NovaSeq Ⅹ Plus Maker: Illumina Model: NovaSeq Ⅹ Plus Features: Scale your studies with three flow cell types a...

  • EnginFrame

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    Link to EF portal: https://hpcframe.oist.jp EnginFrame (EF) is an advanced HPC portal which allows user to run the jobs on the cluster via web browse...

  • DNA/RNA Isolation & Quantification

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    BluePippin -Automated DNA Fractionation Instruments Maker: Sage Science Model: BluePippin Features: The BluePippin has the ...

  • Quantitative PCR

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    Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus real-time PCR system Maker: Life Technologies  Model: Real-time PCR system Features: Easy to use...

  • Equipment Gallery

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    Genome Sequencer   Capillary Sequencer   Quantitative PCR   DNA/RNA isolation and quan...

  • Long-term storage and Archiving

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    The Bucket storage and the Naruto tape system together form our secure long-term research storage infrastructure. It is used for live storage of resea...

  • BINDS program (Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research)

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    OIST Scientific Imaging Section is a member of BINDS Program     Activities at OIST FY2024 Training Programme a...

  • Capillary Sequencer

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    SeqStudio, Capillary Sequencer (alfa, beta, gamma) Maker: ThermoFisher Scientific Model: SeqStudio Features: 28cm 4-ca...

  • Links: Online Training & Learning

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    Mechanical MIT Machine Shop Videos Mitsubishi Materials's Permanent Courses   3D CAD / Printing Software Learn how to use Rhino SOLIDWORKS ...