• 創立記念式典 Part 1

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    沖縄科学技術大学院大学学園創立記念式典 パート1:開式の辞 沖縄科学技術大学院大学学園理事長 兼 沖縄科...

  • Gameifying Proteins - the Molecular Playground at OIST

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    Some people are likely to think supplementary diet when they hear the word, protein. Yet, these molecules invisible to the naked eye are found in ever...

  • One Step Closer to Understanding Cellular Division

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    Cells multiply by growing and dividing into two, following a regular pattern called the cell cycle. During the cellular division period called mitosis...

  • 細胞分裂時の染色体凝縮メカニズムの一端が明らかに

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  • OIST Inauguration

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    On November 19, 2011, The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University held its Inauguration Ceremony. 400 dignitaries from Okinawa...

  • OIST創立記念式典

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  • A 3D reconstructed "forest" of neurons

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    OIST researcher Hermina Nedelescu combines genetics, microscopy and computational anatomy to unravel the dense neuronal forest of Purkinje cells in th...

  • ニューロンの「森」を3Dで再構築

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    OISTのヘルミナ・ネデレスク(Hermina Nedelescu)研究員は、成体小脳内のプルキンエ細胞が密集した「ニューロンの...

  • Delving into Ocean Circulation Pattern in Okinawa Trough

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    Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Marine Biophysics Unit To learn more about this research, go to the link below: http://www.oist.jp/en...

  • 沖縄トラフにおける海流輸送パターンを探る

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    Video by the Tonan Maru.独立行政法人沖縄科学技術研究基盤整備機構 海洋生態物理学ユニット この研究について詳し...