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Enhanced directional coupling of light with a whispering gallery microcavity. F Lei, G Tkachenko, X Jiang, JM Ward, L Yang and S Nic C...
Generation of cold Rydberg atoms at submicron distances from an optical nanofiber. KS Rajasree, T Ray, K Karlsson, JL Everett and S Nic Cho...
Polarization-controlled cavity input-output relations. F Lei, JM Ward, P Romagnoli and S Nic Chormaic. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,...
From far-field to near-field micro- and nanoparticle optical trapping. T Bouloumis and S Nic Chormaic. Appl. Sci. 10, 1375 20...
Observation of the 87Rb 5S1/2 to 4D3/2 electric quadrupole transition at 516.6 nm mediated via an optical nanofibre (Fast Track Communi...
Congratulations to unit member, Dr Domna Kotsifaki, who just won a JSPS Kakenhi award to study "Novel label-free tool for infections diagnosis based o...
Optical trapping and orientation-resolved spectroscopy of europium-doped nanorods. A Kumar, J Kim, K Lahlil, G Julie, S Nic Chormaic, J Kim,...
Dr Isha Sanskriti joins the unit as a Visiting Scientist. Isha has a PhD in Chemistry from Banaras Hindu University (India) where she work...
An experimental and theoretical investigation of a 2 µm wavelength low-threshold microsphere laser. J Yu, X Wang, W Li, M Zhang, J Zhang,&n...
Fano resonant, asymmetric, metamaterial-assisted tweezers for single nanoparticle trapping. DG Kotsifaki, VG Truong and S Nic Chormaic....