• Paola Laurino

    | 作成日

    I am an organic chemist with broad interests in biochemistry and protein evolution. I was born and grew up in Italy. After pursuing a master in medici...

  • Akihiro Kusumi

    | 作成日

    My love of membranes was accidentally initiated when I, a senior majoring in physics at that time, entered a wrong lecture room where Prof. Shun-ichi ...

  • 楠見 明弘

    | 作成日


  • Akimitsu Narita

    | 作成日

    Akimitsu Narita was born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Chemistry at the University of Tokyo un...

  • エイミー・シェン

    | 作成日

    OIST Provost and Professor of the Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit.  Amy's research is focused on rheology and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics at the na...

  • Emile Touber

    | 作成日

    FY2023 Annual Report ...

  • Fujie Tanaka

    | 作成日

    The Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit develops methods and strategies for the construction of organic molecules that contribute to biomedical...

  • 佐瀨 英俊

    | 作成日

    国立遺伝学研究所を経てOISTに着任 ...

  • 高橋 優樹

    | 作成日

    サセックス大学、東京大学、大阪大学を経てOIST着任 Hiroki was born, raised and nurtured in Japan during his youth. In his master ...

  • Ichiro Masai

    | 作成日

    Professor Nationality Japan Education 1988 BSc, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 1990 MSc, Departme...

319 件見つかりました