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President's report at the 35th Board of Governors meeting held on September 29-30, 2022. ...
The analytical chemist who runs a preeminent Japanese research institute discusses her childhood in Sweden and how she came to chemistry ...
OIST Marine Climate Change Unit's research has been picked up in an online magazine.
沖縄のOIST、起業支援棟を大幅増設 先端研究を事業化 ...
Coupled deformed microdisk cavities featuring non-Hermitian properties, TS Rodemund, S Nic Chormaic and M Hentschel, Appl. Phys. Lett. ...
This month we welcome Sophia Paul from Bonn, Germany, and Chris Brand from Auckland, New Zealand for research internships. ...
Atom-light interactions using optical nanofibres - A perspective. W Li, D Brown, A Vylegzhanin, Z Shahrabifarhani, A Raj, J Du and S Nic Chormaic...
Welcome to Dr Christophe Pin who recently joined us from Hokkaido University. ...
This month we welcome two new research interns to the unit, Nathan Killough from the USA and Elizabeth Sweeney from Ireland....
We welcome two visiting research students, Lin Shi and Kailin Zheng, from Dalian University of Technology to our unit for the next three months. ...