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This month we are happy to welcome Dr Ke Tian, from Harbin Engineering University, China, who joins our unit as a postdoc in the Cavity and Sensing Gr...
Light-induced rotation of dielectric microparticles around an optical nanofiber. G Tkachenko, I Toftul, C Esporlas, A Maimaiti, F Le Kien, VG Tru...
Enhanced directional coupling of light with a whispering gallery microcavity. F Lei, G Tkachenko, X Jiang, JM Ward, L Yang and S Nic C...
Generation of cold Rydberg atoms at submicron distances from an optical nanofiber. KS Rajasree, T Ray, K Karlsson, JL Everett and S Nic Cho...
Polarization-controlled cavity input-output relations. F Lei, JM Ward, P Romagnoli and S Nic Chormaic. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,...