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ワイツマン科学研究所を経てOISTに着任I am an organic chemist with broad interests in biochemistry and protein evolution. I was born and...
OIST Provost and Professor of the Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit. Amy's research is focused on rheology and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics at the na...
英国王立がん研究基金、ドイツがん研究センター、ワイツマン科学研究所を経てOIST着任 ...
PhD, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2006 MS, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Uni...
Google Scholar Researchmap ResearchGate ORCiD GRANTS ...
Selected Publications R. Abe and S. Hikami, Critical exponents and scaling relations in 1/n expansion, Prog. Theor. Phys.49 (1973) 442. https://...
Síle Nic Chormaic on ResearchGate Nationality Irish ...
ブリティッシュコロンビア大学を経てOIST着任 私はプラハ近郊で育ち、ブドヴァイの大学院で博士号を取得し...
Hiroki was born, raised and nurtured in Japan during his youth. In his master and Ph.D, he worked on quantum optics involving squeezed light, Schrödi...