• OIST Graduate University FY2012 Annual Report

    | 作成日

    OIST is at the forefront of creating change in how research and education are practiced. In 2012, we accepted our first class of 34 graduate students ...

  • OIST 2012年次報告書

    | 作成日


  • OIST Graduate University FY2012 Annual Report

    | 作成日

    OIST is at the forefront of creating change in how research and education are practiced. In 2012, we accepted our first class of 34 graduate students ...

  • カスタムメイドのナノ粒子

    | 作成日


  • Build-A-Nanoparticle

    | 作成日

    Nanoparticles, which range from 1-100 nanometers in size, are roughly the same size as biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, and membrane recepto...

  • Build-A-Nanoparticle

    | 作成日

    Nanoparticles, which range from 1-100 nanometers in size, are roughly the same size as biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, and membrane recepto...

  • カスタムメイドのナノ粒子

    | 作成日


  • 皮膚に覆われた謎

    | 作成日

    ウルフ・スコグランド教授(左)とラシュヨラン・オウバステッド研究員 きれいに配列した脂肪分子か...

  • Skin-Deep Secrets

    | 作成日

    Ulf Skoglund (left) and Lars-Göran Öfverstedt An illustration of the orientation of fat and cholesterol molecules in the horny layer ...

  • Skin-Deep Secrets

    | 作成日

    Ulf Skoglund (left) and Lars-Göran Öfverstedt An illustration of the orientation of fat and cholesterol molecules in the horny layer ...