• Pinholes Be Gone!

    Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have eliminated problematic pinholes in the top layer of nex...

  • Protein Scaffold

    | 作成日

    Right before a cell starts to divide to give birth to a daughter cell, its biochemical machinery unwinds the chromosomes and copies the millions of pr...

  • Protein Scaffold

    | 作成日

    Right before a cell starts to divide to give birth to a daughter cell, its biochemical machinery unwinds the chromosomes and copies the millions of pr...

  • 染色体の屋台骨、コンデンシンに迫る

    | 作成日


  • 染色体の屋台骨、コンデンシンに迫る


  • イェ・ジャン准教授がOISTに着任します

    | 作成日


  • 沖縄の焼き物「やちむん」の秘密に迫る


  • Unlocking the Secrets of Okinawan Pottery

    For generations, Okinawans potters have passed their expertise directly from master to student. There are no textbooks explaining how to make the beau...

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Okinawan Pottery

    For generations, Okinawans potters have passed their expertise directly from master to student. There are no textbooks explaining how to make the beau...

  • 沖縄の焼き物「やちむん」の秘密に迫る
