We have daily Open Hours at OIST and online. You can come and talk with us about anything related to the HPC systems at OIST or to research computing ...
Deigo is the main cluster here at OIST. It became operational in June 2020. It consists of compute servers from Dell Japan, and incorporates storage s...
As a Research Support Section we are research collaborators, and we may require attribution in your publications when using our services. We are evalu...
The "gpu", "largegpu" and "powernv" partitions are restricted partitions meant for general GPU or high-core computation. The GPU partitions are often ...
The "test-" and "intel" partitions on Saion are available to any user with an HPC account. You can use these partitions for developing and testing cod...
You should give us attribution when you publish results based on work that use our resources. Find out more about when and how to do it in our page on...
In principle, we will proceed in the order of Request IDs on a first-come-first-served basis. However, there will be exceptions under certain circumst...