• 最先端技術で沖縄の歴史をひも解く

    | 作成日


  • Using modern-day technology to unlock Okinawa’s past

    | 作成日

    One of the cornerstones of scientific research at OIST is the removal of boundaries between departments and fields: researchers are constantly intermi...

  • OISTの研究員が塩野義製薬を訪問

    | 作成日

    研究発表の後、参加者からの質問に答えるジェフ・ウィッケンス教授  去る4月26日、OISTのゴードン・ア...

  • OIST Researchers Visit Shionogi Pharmaceutical Company

    | 作成日

    Prof. Jeff Wickens answers a question from an audience member after his presentation On April 26, OIST professors Gordon Arbuthnott, Gail Tripp,...

  • OISTの研究員が塩野義製薬を訪問

    | 作成日

    研究発表の後、参加者からの質問に答えるジェフ・ウィッケンス教授  去る4月26日、OISTのゴードン・アー...

  • OIST Researchers Visit Shionogi Pharmaceutical Company

    | 作成日

      Prof. Jeff Wickens answers a question from an audience member after his presentation On April 26, OIST professors Gordon Arbuthnott...

  • Climate Change and Coral

    | 作成日

    On June 29 and 30, the International Conference on Climate Change and Coral Reef Conservation, organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Okinaw...

  • 地球温暖化防止とサンゴ礁保全

    | 作成日


  • Climate Change and Coral

    | 作成日

    On June 29 and 30, the International Conference on Climate Change and Coral Reef Conservation, organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Okinaw...

  • 地球温暖化防止とサンゴ礁保全

    | 作成日
